Saturday 24 June 2017



Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and your facial skin is the most delicate. Your facial skin also gets the most attention, from you and others; therefore, it is important to keep it healthy. There are many steps you can take to improve the look and health of your skin. It is important that you feel good about your complexion. A happier, more confident you is a healthier you!

1. Wash your face.

You can improve your facial skin by taking good care of it every day. Get in the habit of making skin care part of your daily routine. You should wash your face in the morning and in the evening and after sweating heavily. Use a gentle, non-abrasive, alcohol-free cleanser and warm water. Water that is too hot or too cold is not good for your skin. 

Use your fingertips to apply your cleanser. Do not use a washcloth, loofah, or mesh sponge, as these can irritate your skin. Resist the urge to scrub your face — always be gentle.  

Make sure to rinse the cleanser thoroughly from your face. Otherwise you could suffer from buildup, which can clog your pores and make your skin look dull.

Pat your face dry gently but thoroughly with a soft, clean towel. Use a separate towel for your face instead of the one you (or others) use to dry your hands. You do not want to transfer germs to your face.

2. Moisturize.          

You should also put moisturizer on your face twice a day. Gently apply your product after you wash your face. Use gentle upward and circular strokes, especially around the delicate skin of the eye area Don't ever pull your skin down — gravity does enough of that.

You should use two different moisturizers. The one you choose for daytime should include SPF production. Your nighttime cream should be a bit thicker and offer more thorough hydration.

3. Wear Sunscreen.
If for some reason you cannot find a moisturizer that you like that contains SPF, make sure to apply sunscreen separately to your face. You need to do this every single day, not just when you're planning to spend a lot of time outside. The sun can damage your skin with just a little bit of exposure — even from behind the clouds.

A good method is to put your moisturizer and make-up on as usual. Then apply a sunscreen that is specially formulated for your face. Look for one that is a spray mist, rather than a lotion. This will make application easy and will not mess up your make-up.

4. Find the Right Products.

Your skin is unique, so you need to find products that will work best for your specific skin type. Examine your skin and try to determine if your skin is normal, oily, dry, or a combination of dry and oily. If your skin is sensitive (easily irritated), you'll want to look for cleansers and and moisturizers that are specially formulated to be more gentle on skin.

•  If your skin is on the dry side, you will notice that it flakes or cracks easily. Oily skin typically looks very shiny and you will notice your make-up does not stay in place for long. Combination skin means that you have different problem areas — usually your skin will be oily in your "T" zone (your forehead and down the center of your face, including your nose) and dry on the rest of your face.
If you have dry skin, use a gentle or creamy cleanser. Those with oily skin should use oil-free, non-comedogenic foaming cleansers that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to fight acne.
If you're unsure which products to use, talk to your dermatologist or cosmetologist at a beauty supply store or department store.
Those with dry skin should use moisturizers that are labeled as creams or ointments. Those with oily skin should use lotions, as these are lighter and contain more water.
Ask for some product samples so that you can try a few different things before making a commitment.

5. Personalize Your Routine. 

You might also consider adding a serum as a step in your skin care regimen. Serums are problem-specific, so you can look for one to help smooth your skin, or to brighten it, for example. Apply small amounts of liquid serum before you apply your moisturizer. Ask for samples of serums, too.

You might also consider a toner, which can help balance the chemicals in your skin. Toners often come in the form of a spray, and are applied after you apply moisturizer and serum.
Finding a good, gentle exfoliant can also help improve your skin. An exfoliating scrub can help your skin appear more radiant and glowing. Some people exfoliate once a day, while others find once a week works best for them. Try some variations (and different scrubs) to find what makes your skin look best.

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